Eye Drops

Eye Drops

Revitalize and soothe tired eyes with our natural Eye Drops. Experience refreshing relief and improved vision for enhanced well-being.


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Instant Relief for Sore Eyes

Experience immediate relief from discomfort, redness, and irritation with our soothing Eye Drops.

Crystal-Clear Vision

Protect your vision from degeneration and enjoy crystal-clear clarity with our Eye Drops that nourish and support retinal cells.

Glaucoma Management Made Easy

Manage the symptoms of glaucoma effectively and naturally with our specialized Eye Drops.


Say Goodbye to Cataracts

Prevent cataracts and maintain clear vision by incorporating our Eye Drops into your daily eye care routine.

Rejuvenate Your Cornea

Revitalize your cornea for improved vision and overall eye health with our powerful Eye Drops.

Combat Dryness and Discomfort

Alleviate dry eyes and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy optimal eye comfort throughout the day with our moisturizing Eye Drops.

100% Organic / Pure

Mineral Based

Non Toxic

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Product Information

Discover the Power of Natural Eye Drops: Revitalize Your Vision and Enhance Your Well-being


Are you tired of dealing with dry, itchy, and tired eyes? Look no further! Introducing our revolutionary Eye Drops, a natural and alternative solution to rejuvenate your vision and improve your overall eye health. In this article, we will explore the benefits of our Eye Drops and why they are the perfect choice for those seeking natural and effective remedies. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to vibrant, clear eyes!


The Importance of Eye Health

Your eyes are the windows to the world, allowing you to experience life’s beauty. However, daily stress, exposure to screens, and environmental factors can take a toll on your vision and eye health. It’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of your eyes to maintain optimal visual function and prevent potential complications. Our Eye Drops offer a holistic approach to support your eyes’ health and enhance their vitality.


The Power of Natural Ingredients

Unlike conventional eye drops laden with chemicals, our Eye Drops harness the power of natural ingredients to provide gentle and effective relief. We believe in the healing properties of nature, which is why we’ve carefully selected a blend of botanical extracts and nutrients to nourish and rejuvenate your eyes. 


Restoring Moisture and Relieving Dryness

Dry eyes can be a common problem, especially in today’s digital age. Prolonged screen time, air conditioning, and environmental pollutants can strip your eyes of moisture, causing discomfort and blurred vision. Our Eye Drops are specifically formulated to restore and maintain optimal moisture levels in your eyes. With each drop, you’ll experience instant relief from dryness, allowing you to focus better and enjoy clear vision throughout the day.


Enhancing Eye Health and Visual Clarity

Good eye health goes beyond relieving dryness and irritation. Our Eye Drops are designed to provide comprehensive care for your eyes. The blend of natural ingredients works together to nourish and strengthen your eye tissues, supporting their resilience and promoting better visual clarity. Regular use of our Eye Drops can also help alleviate eye fatigue and strain, ensuring that your eyes feel refreshed and revitalized even after long hours of work or screen time.


Your eyes deserve the best care, and our natural Eye Drops offer just that. By harnessing the power of natural ingredients, we provide a gentle and effective solution to common eye problems. Say goodbye to dryness, irritation, and discomfort, and say hello to vibrant, clear eyes. Experience the revitalizing benefits of our Eye Drops and take a step towards better eye health and enhanced well-being. Trust in nature’s healing touch and see the world with renewed clarity!

  • Tumeric extract
  • Sailine 0.9%
  • Take 1 drop per eye twice daily
  • Relieve Sore Eyes: Soothe and alleviate discomfort, redness, and irritation in your eyes with our Eye Drops.
  • Protect Retinal Cells: Nourish and support the health of your retinal cells, safeguarding your vision for years to come.
  • Combat Glaucoma: Our Eye Drops provide natural relief and help manage the symptoms of glaucoma, promoting eye health.
  • Prevent Cataracts: Reduce the risk of cataracts by using our Eye Drops regularly, maintaining crystal-clear vision.
  • Revitalize the Cornea: Rejuvenate and refresh your cornea, enhancing its clarity and promoting overall eye wellness.
  • Alleviate Dryness: Combat dry eyes effectively, restoring moisture and alleviating discomfort with our Eye Drops.
  • Reduce Eye Fatigue: Relieve strain and fatigue caused by prolonged screen time or intensive visual tasks, ensuring optimal eye performance.
  • Soothe Irritation: Calm and soothe irritated eyes caused by allergies, environmental factors, or eye strain.
  • Improve Visual Clarity: Enhance visual acuity and sharpness, allowing you to see with improved precision and detail.
  • Support Eye Tissue Health: Promote the health and resilience of your eye tissues, preventing degeneration and maintaining optimal function.
  • Refresh Tired Eyes: Revitalize tired and fatigued eyes, providing a refreshing sensation and restoring vitality.
  • Minimize Redness: Reduce redness and bloodshot eyes, leaving your eyes looking clear, bright, and well-rested.
  • Enhance Eye Comfort: Experience enhanced comfort and relief from discomfort, enabling you to enjoy daily activities without distractions.
  • Moisturize and Lubricate: Keep your eyes moist and lubricated, preventing dryness and promoting overall eye comfort.
  • Support Natural Tear Production: Stimulate and support the production of natural tears, maintaining proper eye lubrication.
  • Rejuvenate Eye Health: Improve the overall health and well-being of your eyes, promoting longevity and vitality.
  • Alleviate Itchy Eyes: Relieve itching and allergy-related symptoms, providing soothing relief and restoring comfort.
  • Optimize Eye Hydration: Maintain optimal moisture balance in your eyes, preventing dryness and maintaining a hydrated, healthy state.
  • Protect Against Environmental Factors: Shield your eyes from harmful environmental pollutants and factors that can cause damage and irritation.
  • Enhance Eye Vitality: Restore and revitalize your eyes, promoting a vibrant and youthful appearance.

This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicine Control Council. This medicine is not intended to replace any prescribed medication or used as a cure for any illness.


Most frequent questions and answers

For optimal results, it is recommended to use the Eye Drops 2 to 3 times a day or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Yes, our Eye Drops are safe to use with contact lenses. However, it is advisable to remove your lenses before applying the drops and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting them.

Our Eye Drops are generally safe for use by individuals of all ages. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before administering them to children or if you have specific health concerns.

The duration a bottle of Eye Drops will last depends on frequency of use. On average, one bottle should last approximately 4 to 6 weeks when used as directed.

While our Eye Drops are primarily formulated to provide relief for dry eyes, they may also offer benefits for other common eye concerns such as eye fatigue, redness, and irritation. However, for specific eye conditions, it is recommended to consult with an eye care professional.

Yes, our Eye Drops are preservative-free, making them a gentle and suitable option for individuals with sensitive eyes or those seeking preservative-free products.

It is recommended to apply the Eye Drops before applying makeup. If needed, wait for a few minutes after applying the drops to allow them to fully absorb before proceeding with makeup application.

Our Eye Drops are generally well-tolerated. However, in rare cases, some individuals may experience temporary stinging or mild irritation upon application. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

If you have any pre-existing eye conditions or are currently using other eye medications, it is important to consult with an eye care professional before using our Eye Drops to ensure compatibility and safety.

It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using any new products during pregnancy or while breastfeeding to ensure safety for both the mother and baby.

Note: These FAQs are provided for informational purposes only and do not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and recommendations.


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Weight.345 kg
Dimensions1 × 19 × 14 cm


Eye Drops may assist in:

– Sore eyes

Warnings/Side Effects:

Because of its high acidity, drinking a lot of apple cider vinegar without a straw can damage your teeth, hurt your throat

SKU OTH019 - 5ML Category
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